casavi - Ukraine donation page

eine Spendenseite von casavi GmbH

casavi will double the amount of money which our employees donate privately. We sum up the amout you guys donated all together and we will donate the same amount as casavi GmbH. 

What exactly happens with your donations?
The donations are used for the people who are in the war zone in Ukraine or at the borders and need to be cared for there. For legal reasons, Aktion Lichtblicke is only allowed to provide direct financial support to families with children in North Rhine-Westphalia. In order that Lichtblicke could nevertheless participate in helping the Ukrainian population in the crisis area and offer this fundraising campaign, they entered into a cooperation with their partners Caritas and Diakonie on an international level in this special case. One to one, half of our donations will be passed on to the organisations "Caritas International" and "Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe".

Every bit of help is important now.

20 €

Name nicht veröffentlicht


50 €

Simon Zilker


100 €

Stefan Bernwieser

07.03.22    Startschuss zur Spendenaktion